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First Financial Merchant Services’s (FFUSA) altFRANCHISE program is a franchise-like business, offering payment processing to merchants through a clearly defined and proven plan.

Founded in 1995 by John Eliason and bolstered by Chuck Fowler, FFUSA took a high opportunity business (payment processing) with a failing distribution model (direct sales) and blazed a completely new trail – refusing outdated business approaches. The results were otherworldly.

Records were broken, awards were won, a philanthropic program (Giveback) was established, a book (REWIRE) was written, technology (CONNECT.CX) was customized and a new business model was legitimized.

Over the next fifteen years they trained independent sales representatives to offer FFUSA in their markets. This worked phenomenally for those who followed the model, but for those that didn’t it, the outcome was just like any other deal. John and Chuck didn’t want to see people fail. So on October 3, 2016, after a reflective bike ride through Transylvania, it was time to take a step back and reinvent, again.

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“It was the 80:20 Rule, some of the people were doing really well and it was clearly those who were following the model.”

–Chuck Fowler, VP

That’s when the model was modified and individuals were carefully selected.

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“When we talked to the successful ones from our team they would say things, like [“Before you guys I worked my @ss off for years and never really got as far as I wanted, with you guys I learned things I never learned anywhere else, now I can focus, build and get free.”]

– John Eliason, CEO

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For the right ones, we’ll give more than you’d ever expect; we’ll lay out a plan just like we would for ourselves, talk daily, discuss every deal, help them close business, explain every new level of opportunity as they were ready, provide marketing, provide agreements, allow them an exclusive territory, with a little skin in the game and a training program, the whole thing works.

The tuition for the program is $500 a month. We invite business owners, managers and leaders at small-to-medium organizations, as well as entrepreneurs and freelancers. We also invite rising leaders across industry to participate.

The program is run by Megan Owens and the leadership team. Admission is by application only.


Apply to have a conversation with us or visit our info site for the full program details or sign up for our mailing list for news and to be notified of upcoming opportunities in the FFUSA altFRANCHISE.


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